Balázs Csizik – Nightlife Monolith

Balázs Csizik – Nightlife Monolith

In seiner Fotoserie Nightlife Monolith zeigt Balázs Csizik Lichtquellen in der Nacht. Die Inspiration der Bildsprache geht von dem Monolithen aus Stanley Kubricks Filmklassiker 2001: A Space Odyssey aus, der eine zentrale Rolle für die Handlung spielt.

„Nightlife Monolith is a project based on the light source, as a balanced spiritual object in the urban landscape. It’s partially influenced by the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey where monoliths are the base of the human evolution, and a connection between the parts of the Universe. Sometimes light sources can make a microcosmic space in the nightlife, can make little separated areas in the urban landscape.“ – Balázs Csizik

Balázs Csizik – Nightlife Monolith

Balázs Csizik – Nightlife Monolith

Balázs Csizik – Nightlife Monolith

Balázs Csizik – Nightlife Monolith

(Bilder: Balázs CsizikCC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

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