Die Werke der türkischen Künstlerin und Fotografin Yonca Karakaş schaffen spielend surreale Welten. So auch ihre Serie Anatomy of Things die bereits in der PG Art Gallery in Istanbul zu sehen war.
“Tabula rasa“: the human mind comes to this world as an empty plate, as John Locke put it. The information gathered in time is carved onto this plate; each and every bit of information obtained, in fact, deprives the mind of its freedom. Free mind loses its freedom completely due to dogmatic ideas acquired in time and never apprehends the process of losing. The biggest problem of a human being who is in the effort of existence is that he/she sets on the way without being aware of several walls, which will eventually surround them. Unfortunately, this human being confronts a single set of mind at the end of the road.
(Bilder: Yonca Karakaş • CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)