Gaika – War Island

Gaika – War Island

Mit War Island hat Gaika den offiziellen Soundtrack zu der gleichnamigen Installation veröffentlicht, die im Rahmen der Nine Nights: Channel B Ausstellung im Institute of Contemporary Arts in London zu sehen war. Auf der LP gibt es charakteristische Gaika Instrumentals auf denen sich der Londoner Künstler mit gesellschaftlichen Phänomenen Großbritanniens auseinandersetzt.

„Lyrically War Island is GAIKA’S attempt to analyze Britain’s current geopolitical position in familiar terms. In It he considers the nation’s capital by means of a conceptual construction he calls “The Good Ship Prosperity”. It is a fictional public house that for him symbolizes the nexus of a multitude of thematic or emotive strands – class struggle, crime and punishment, migration and the politics of the built environment. From this position War Island OST is the story of a braggadocious gravel-throated drinker lost in former glories and failed romances. The last man in this pub telling anyone who will listen tales from another time, oblivious to his own demise.”

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